Acknowledgements Overview |
Guildford Archiving Project Consortium |
Funders |
Supporters |

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
The Centre for Global Change and Health and European Centre on the Health of Societies in Transition (ECOHOST) at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical
Medicine initiated and led the task of acquiring and managing a complete set
of photocopies of the Guildford Depository documents. LSHTM secured funding
for this effort, as well as raised funds for the acquisition of BAT documents
from the Minnesota Depository.
University of California, San Francisco
The Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education (CTCRE), and the Library and Center for Knowledge Management (CKM) led the task of processing the
documents to make them publicly available. CTCRE and the Library/CKM secured
funding for background legal research, and document acquisition and processing,
as well as for technical aspects of the project, including development of the
technical specifications for indexing and mounting the collection, designing
and implementing a full-text searchable database, and creating and hosting
the public Web site.
Mayo Clinic
The Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center ordered about 1 million pages of Guildford documents, and organized the acquisition of the BAT documents housed
in the Minnesota Depository.